Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I'm meeting with the rabbi tonight to see his film in its finished version and to discuss my book idea. Should be interesting. Actually now that I'm looking at the clock I see that I have to leave in like 10 minutes. Quick blog entry!

Now that I'm here I'm having trouble remembering my day.

Well one thing is that I am going to have some work to do on the issue of eminent domain. Our office has been working on a bill, and it looks like it might finally be getting some traction. The bill has been my baby all along - I hammered out language with the office of legislative services, I have worked with the residents whose homes are being taken away. So I am maintaining control of this one, which presents me with a much-needed challenge and something to think about. For anyone who doesn't know, eminent domain is the legal concept that allows the government to take your home or business. In some cases, like for building roads and bridges, it's an unfortunate necessity, but in other cases property is being taken for private redevelopment purposes. And that's not cool. The Supreme Court put its reluctant stamp of approval on the practice last year, but left the door open for states to make stronger laws than the feds have on it. So that's what we're trying to do for New Jersey.

In other news, I'm drawing a blank on other news. So I guess I'll kill it before we all start gagging.


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